4/ “Karlsson”, The Amiable Spy: Swedish experiences of Allied espionage and sabotage during World War II
Diacronie. Studi di Storia Contemporanea, N. 28, 4|2016
Questo articolo si occupa di un attore di grande rilievo nel contesto della guerra mondiale europea, il diplomatico Peter Tennant. Ufficialmente, egli servì come addetto stampa della delegazione diplomatica britannica a Stoccolma e divenne una figura popolare nella vita sociale della capitale svedese, creandosi una significativa rete di contatti. Ufficiosamente, egli si soprannominò “Karlsson” e diresse la sezione svedese dello Special Operations Executive, S.O.E., britannico. In questo ruolo egli organizzò operazioni clandestine di spionaggio e sabotaggio contro gli interessi tedeschi. Questo articolo usa soprattutto fonti d’archivio precedentemente classificate per approfondire le attività di Tennant in Svezia durante la guerra e definire il tipo di spia che effettivamente fu.
Parole chiave: Peter Tennant, Seconda guerra mondiale, Special Operations Executive, spionaggio, Svezia.
This article deals with an active personality in the European World War II-context, the Englishman and diplomat Peter Tennant. Officially, he served as press attaché at the British legation in Stockholm and become a popular companion in the capital’s conviviality with a significant social network. Unofficially, he was called “Karlsson” and led the Swedish section of Special Operations Executive, S.O.E. In this role he organized clandestine espionage and sabotage against German interests. This article primarily uses previously confidential archival sources from the civil Swedish counter-espionage to find out more about Tennant’s activities in Sweden during the war and what kind of spy he actually was.
Keywords: espionage, Peter Tennant, Special Operations Executive, Sweden, World War II.
Victor Lundberg is Doctor of Philosophy in History at Lund University 2008 and Senior Lecturer/Assistant Professor at the Department of Global Political Studies at Malmö University, Sweden. Currently, his research focus on fascism and anti-fascism, and on structures of power in working life. He is also engaged in bunker archaeological research on post-militarian places around Sweden.
Lundberg, Victor, «“Karlsson”, The Amiable Spy: Swedish experiences of Allied espionage and sabotage during World War II», Diacronie. Studi di Storia Contemporanea, N. 28, 4|2016
URL: <http://www.studistorici.com/2016/12/29/lundberg_numero_28/>
«“Karlsson”, The Amiable Spy: Swedish experiences of Allied espionage and sabotage during World War II» by Victor Lundberg / Diacronie. Studi di Storia Contemporanea is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribuzione – Condividi allo stesso modo 3.0 Unported.