Next Issue 42 | Call for papers
More than a club
Fandom and historical identity
- the political use of history and its relevance for the fan community;
- new way of communicating history among supporters (choreographies, banners, happenings, posters, slogans, fanzine, …);
- the role of the supporters in spreading and supporting an “alternative” vision (with respect to mainstream vision) of history
Interdisciplinary contributions combining approaches and methods (especially history with political science, sociology and anthropology) will be particularly appreciated; contributions focused on sports traditionally less explored by European historiography, will be particularly welcome.
How to send an article
Interested authors may send their abstracts and articles in Italian, English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, German and Greek (contribution in Portuguese, German and Greek will be translated into Italian by editorial board). The article should be between 35.000 and 55.000 characters (spaces included), it must respect the editorial norms (accessible at the following link: and it must be sent to the address: redazione.diacronie[at]
Let us inform about your intention to participate with any contribution by contacting the editorial board and sending an abstract (1000 characters max.) by 15 July 2019. Authors will be notified whether their proposal has been accepted or refused by 31 July 2019. The complete article must be submitted by 1 November 2019. The publication of this issue is scheduled for June 2020.
Bibliographical references
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- ARCHAMBAULT, Fabien, Le contrôle du ballon. Les catholiques, les communistes et le football en Italie, de 1943 au tournant des années 1980, Rome, Bibliothèque des écoles françaises d’Athènes et de Rome, 249, 2012.
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- ARMSTRONG, Gary, GIULIANOTTI, Richard, Football Cultures and Identities, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 1999.
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- EARNHEARDT, Adam C., HARIDAKIS, Paul M., HUGENBERG, Barbara S., Sports fans, identity, and socialization exploring the fandemonium, Lanham, Lexington Books, 2013.
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- NUMERATO, Dino, Football Fans, Activism and Social Change, London, Routledge, 2018.
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