Next Issue 46 | Call for papers
LGBTQIA+: sexualities: subjectivities, movements, languages
LGBTQIA+ studies identify a forty-year-old, multidisciplinary field focusing on a wide range of experiences and subjects defying gender norms. These studies made abundantly clear how the multiple ways gender outlaws inhabit and trespass the liminal zones of gender norms can offer a useful perspective on cultural contexts, conflicts and changes. Sexuality, in this sense, can be seen as a “total social fact”, playing a major role in shaping social and cultural spaces and thus representing an invaluable interpretative tool to understand our past and present.
As for contemporary history, LGBTQIA+ studies showed the key role of gender tensions in the social, political and cultural transformations of the western societies, as well as the gendered politics of colonial and postcolonial dynamics.
Queer historiography identified the gradual, not-linear, emergence of LGBTQIA+ subjectivities in the contemporary era, ranging from the long Nineteenth Century to the present. Major topics of this process include: the discoursive creation of “sexual inversion” and the pathologization of queer sexualities and bodies throughout the XIX Century; the political claims of LGBTQIA+ liberation movements and their increasing visibility throughout the XX Century; the LGBTQIA+ studies, theories, and perspectives that have been enriching the field of modern gender studies since the seventies.
LGBTQIA+ studies for contemporary history, having produced a vast amount of researches, are still questioning history and historiography: how can LGBTQIA+ history be written? Does it merely overlap with the history of LGBTQIA+ subjectivities or does it exceed the boundaries of the LGBTQIA+ community? Does it challenge the historical imagination in terms of sources, archives, political and disciplinary boundaries, gender categories?
Diacronie. Studi di Storia Contemporanea is looking for contributions aimed at investigating these issues. We are looking for papers focused on (but not limited to) the following thematic axes:
- LGBTQIA+ subjects: histories and contexts;
- LGBTQIA+ movements: history; claims and strategies; identity, anti-identity, post-identity politics;
- LGBTQIA+ cultures: reappropriation and resignification of the stigma; LGBTQIA+ (sub)cultures and imagination.
Inter- and transdisciplinary contributions combining approaches, methods, and perspective will be particularly valued; intersectional contributions focused on interrelating categories of gender, race, class, etc. will be especially welcome.
- ASQUER, Enrica (a cura di), Genesis. Rivista della società delle storiche : Culture della sessualità. Identità, esperienze, contesti, XI, 1-2/2012.
- BACCHETTA, Paola, FANTONE, Laura, Femminismi queer postcoloniali, Verona, Ombre corte, 2015.
- BALOCCHI, Michela, Intersex. Antologia multidisciplinare, Pisa, ETS, 2019.
- BINI, Elisabetta, «Gli spazi del margine. Storia della sessualità e studi LGBTIQ in una prospettiva interdisciplinare», in La camera blu. Rivista di studi di genere, IX (9), 2013, pp. 3-19, URL: <>.
- BRONSKI, Michael, A Queer History of the United States, Boston, Beacon, 2011.
- FIORILLI, Olivia, «Note per una storia trans-», in Contemporanea, 2/2019, pp. 305-316.
- HERZOG, Dagmar, Sexuality in Europe: A Twentieth-Century History, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2011.
- PREARO, Massimo, Le moment politique de l’homosexualité: Mouvements, identités et communautés en France, Lyon, Presses universitaires de Lyon, 2014.
- PRECIADO, Paul B., Testo tossico. Sesso, droghe e biopolitiche nell’era farmacopornografica, Roma, Fandango Libri, 2015.
- SCARMONCIN, Laura (a cura di), «Gli studi LGBTIQ in Italia. Uno sguardo multidisciplinare», in Contemporanea, XV, 4/2012, pp. 691-724.
- STEINBERG, Sylvie (sous la direction de), Une histoire des sexualités, Paris, PUF, 2018.
- VOLI, Stefania, «Broadening the gender polis. Italian feminist and transsexual movements, 1972-1982», in TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly, 3, 1/2015, pp. 237-247.
How to send an article
Interested authors may send their abstracts and articles in Italian, English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, German and Greek (contribution in Portuguese, German and Greek will be translated into Italian by editorial board). The article should be between 35.000 and 55.000 characters (spaces included), it must respect the editorial norms (accessible at the following link: and it must be sent to the address: redazione.diacronie[at]
Let us inform about your intention to participate with any contribution by contacting the editorial board and sending an abstract (1000 characters max.) by 10 December 2020 Authors will be notified whether their proposal has been accepted or refused by 22 December 2020 The complete article must be submitted by 22 February 2021 The publication of this issue is scheduled for June 2021.