13/ RECENSIONE: Rocio SILVA SANTISTEBAN (ed.), Indigenous Women and Climate Change, Lima, IWGIA, 2020, 154 pp.
Diacronie. Studi di Storia Contemporanea, N. 44, 4|2020

Indigenous Women and Climate Change,
Lima, IWGIA, 2020, 154 pp.
Climate change affects indigenous women in Latin America at a fast and steady pace, impacting their immediate material life, putting at risk their survival. However, despite their subaltern positions, indigenous women respond to environmental threats by taking leadership in organizing their communities, engaging in political mobilizations and disputes at local, national, and international levels.
Indigenous women and Climate change presents a multivocal collection of essays that address the contemporary environmental crisis of climate change as part of structural conditions of inequality that affect indigenous women. This edited volume, originally published in Spanish, argues that extractivism and accumulation are the underlying cause of environmental unbalance expressed in multiple forms of violence, affecting mostly women. Furthermore, the book describes climate change as a symptom rather than a cause of gender inequity, contributing to the current debate on the feminization of environmental struggles and violence. In this regard, the authors in this book bring extractivism and settler colonia… […]
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Testo integrale
Paula F. SARAVIA studied social anthropology at Universidad de Chile (1995-2000), where she specialized in medical anthropology. She worked on poverty reduction programs in Chile, and also taught at Universidad de Chile as a Lecturer. In 2006 she received an Erasmus Mundus grant from the European Union to study in the interdisciplinary Master’s program “Phoenix Dynamics of Health and Welfare”. Her dissertation research focused on understanding modes of engagement and tuberculosis illness experiences within Aymara communities in Bolivia and Chile. Her current research is oriented towards understanding the mental health impact of environmental precarity among indigenous communities in Northern Patagonia, Chile. Since September of 2017 she has been a lecturer for the Global Health Program at UC San Diego.
Per citare questo articolo
SARAVIA, Paula F., «RECENSIONE: Rocio SILVA SANTISTEBAN (ed.), Indigenous Women and Climate Change, Lima, IWGIA, 2020, 154 pp.», Diacronie. Studi di Storia Contemporanea, N. 44, 4|2020
URL: <http://www.studistorici.com/2020/12/29/saravia_numero_44/>
«RECENSIONE: Rocio SILVA SANTISTEBAN (ed.), Indigenous Women and Climate Change, Lima, IWGIA, 2020, 154 pp.» by Paula F. Saravia / Diacronie. Studi di Storia Contemporanea is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribuzione – Condividi allo stesso modo 3.0 Unported.