3/ From here to Aistija: the Baltic State that never-was
di James Montgomery Baxenfield
Diacronie. Studi di Storia Contemporanea, N. 52, 4|2022
L’idea di unire le nazioni lettone e lituana in un unico Stato è un episodio poco noto del XX secolo. Questa idea viene generalmente fatta risalire agli ultimi decenni del XIX secolo. Alla fine della Prima guerra mondiale, essa ottenne per breve tempo l’appoggio entusiasta di figure di spicco tra gli emigrati lituani, prima di svanire nell’oblio. Sebbene non abbia trovato un ampio sostegno, ha attirato l’interesse di numerosi individui e società non governative, riemergendo decenni dopo come ideale tra un piccolo contingente della comunità lettone in esilio. I passaggi tra generazioni e paesaggi politici hanno portato alla trasformazione e alla reinvenzione dello Stato immaginato, nascondendo in parte la longevità dell’idea.
Parole chiave: stato lettone-lituano, stati baltici, Aistija, Jonas Šliūpas, Jūlijs Bračs.
Ideas to unite the Latvian and Lithuanian nations within a single state are little-known episodes of the twentieth century. This idea is generally traced back to the closing decades of the nineteenth century. At the end of the First World War, it briefly achieved enthusiastic endorsement from prominent figures from among the Lithuanian émigrés before vanishing into obscurity. Although it did not find wide-spread support, it attracted the interest of numerous individuals and non-governmental societies, re-emerging decades later as an ideal among a small contingent of the Latvian exile community. Transitions between generations and political landscapes resulted in the transformation and reinvention of the imagined state, partially concealing the longevity of the idea.
Keywords: Latvian-Lithuanian State, Baltic States, Aistija, Jonas Šliūpas, Jūlijs Bračs.
James Montgomery Baxenfield is a Junior Research Fellow and doctoral candidate in the field of History at Tallinn University. His doctoral dissertation, Footnotes to the Past: Forgotten Episodes of Latvian-Lithuanian Federation & Confederation, 1885–1984, examines various ideas of establishing a Latvian-Lithuanian state from the period of national awakening until the final decades of the twentieth century.
Baxenfield, James Montgomery, «From here to Aistija: the Baltic State that never-was», Diacronie. Studi di Storia Contemporanea, N. 52, 4|2022
URL: <http://www.studistorici.com/2022/12/29/baxenfield_numero_52/ >
«From here to Aistija: the Baltic State that never-was» by James Montgomery Baxenfield / Diacronie. Studi di Storia Contemporanea is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribuzione – Condividi allo stesso modo 4.0 Unported.
[…] Montgomery Baxenfield (2022). From Here to Aistija: The Baltic State that Never-was. Diacronie: Studi di Storia contemporanea. Imagining North-Eastern Europe. Baltic and Scandinavian […]