2/ Materializing Palestinian nationhood in Lebanese exile. A comparative approach to different trajectories of displacement among Palestinian refugees
Diacronie. Studi di Storia Contemporanea, N. 56, 4|2023
Seguendo un approccio comparato, questo articolo analizza le pratiche di nazionalismo dei rifugiati palestinesi in Libano in forma di patrimonio materiale. Nell’ambito di ciò che gli studiosi definiscono nazionalismo «banale», si propone di esaminare come particolari oggetti articolino diverse concezioni di identità nazionale. Una questione significativa riguarda le differenze tra la comunità nata in Libano e quella che, già esiliata in Siria, ha vissuto un secondo sfollamento dopo il conflitto del 2011. Lo scopo è mostrare come la nazione palestinese si incorpori in spazi, tempi e simboli il cui inserimento nella vita quotidiana consolidi linguaggi di identità collettiva per le persone che vivono una diaspora a lungo termine, come la comunità libanese, o continua, come quella siriana.
Parole chiave: esilio, identità, nazionalismo, Palestina, patrimonio.
Following a comparative approach, this article analyzes the nationalizing practices among Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, in the form of material heritage. In the field of what scholars defined as «banal» nationalism, it examines how particular routine objects articulate different conceptions of national identities. A significant issue concerns the different practices between the community born in Lebanon and the one that, firstly exiled in Syria, experienced a second displacement after the conflict of 2011. Its aim is to show how Palestinian nationhood is embedded in spaces, times and symbols whose incorporation in everyday life functions as collective-identity-building ground for people experiencing long-term, as the Lebanese community, or ongoing, as the Syrian one, diasporas.
Keywords: Exile, Heritage, Identity, Nationalism, Palestine.
Valeria Rando is a graduated MA student in Middle Eastern History with a thesis in Historical Anthropology carried out at the Lebanese American University of Beirut. Her main fields of research are memory and exile, material heritage of belonging and sense of home, especially for Palestinian refugees in Lebanon and the internally-displaced Palestinian citizens of Israel. A side-passion for slow-form journalism brought her to the development of the podcast The Arab Wor(l)d and the blog Humans (out) of Palestine. Currently based in Tripoli, Lebanon, she works as a journalist for the English-language online publication «NOW Lebanon», as well as collaborating with the Italian-language magazines «MicroMega» and «QCode».
RANDO, Valeria, «Materializing Palestinian nationhood in Lebanese exile. A comparative approach to different trajectories of displacement among Palestinian refugees», Diacronie. Studi di Storia Contemporanea, N. 56, 4|2023
URL: <http://www.studistorici.com/2023/12/29/rando_numero_56/>
«Materializing Palestinian nationhood in Lebanese exile. A comparative approach to different trajectories of displacement among Palestinian refugees» by Valeria Rando / Diacronie. Studi di Storia Contemporanea is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribuzione – Condividi allo stesso modo 4.0 Unported.