Call for paper EN
Next Issue 64 | Call for papers
The constellation of the anti-nuclear movement in Italy in the 1970s and 1980s
Guest editors: Lucia Bonfreschi (Università Roma Tre), Giorgio Grimaldi (Link Campus University)
Historiography has long investigated – also through interdisciplinary approaches – the theme of Italian energy policies, paying particular attention to stakeholders and to scientific debates regarding the use of nuclear power as an energy source. In this context, the theme of anti-nuclear mobilizations has remained largely unexplored, despite contributions made by some of their protagonists and numerous studies on the 1970s and 1980s movements. Firstly, this special issue addresses this gap and aims to investigate the heterogeneous components in Italian society that have contributed to anti-nuclear mobilizations, highlighting their protagonists, ideas, and values….
Next Issue 59 | Call for papers
Edited by Çiğdem OĞUZ (Università di Bologna) and Giovanni SAVINO (Università Federico II di Napoli)
Diacronie studi di storia contemporanea invites contributions for a special thematic issue entitled “Memory, perception and politics of empire today”, focusing on the representation of the idea of empire in contemporary historiography, politics and memory. The special issue focuses specifically on the empires that collapsed at the end of World War I.
The study of empires is a dynamic field; we are constantly revising our knowledge of empires, inspired by newly discovered sources as well as new approaches. The context of historical writing itself significantly …
Call for paper – Section
Next Issue 63 | Call for papers
Women’s Experiences from the Napoleonic Era to the Belle Époque
Guest Editor Federica Re (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche)
Historiography has showed that in modern and contemporary Western societies women have been subjected to discriminatory legal systems designed by men (Gerhard 2016; Bartoloni 2021). From the French Revolution to the late 19th century, feminist and women’s groups aimed to change the established order and take part in the legislative process by protesting against , opposing, and cooperating with political and institutional actors. Their ultimate goal was to claim the equality of rights that had previously been denied to the female sex. If it is well known that the 19th century….
Convegno interdisciplinare 3-4 febbraio 2022 Sala Napoleonica, Via S. Antonio 12 - Milano Almeno a partire dall'inizio degli anni Sessanta, la riflessione ...
Martedì, 1 marzo 2022, ore 18:00 - 19:30 Diretta sulla pagina Facebook della rivista Diacronie Studi di Storia contemporanea della Presentazione del libro Extrema ...
Segnalazioni EN
Storie restituite Il progetto biennale “Storie restituite” è nato grazie al lavoro di riordino e inventariazione del fondo archivistico EGELI della Cariplo curato dall’Archivio storico di Intesa Sanpaolo nell’ambito del Progetto Cultura. Oltre alla valorizzazione del patrimonio tramite il portale “Storie restituite” il progetto si è tradotto in una mostra alle Gallerie d’Italia di Milano. Il portale, come sottolineato nella pagina di presentazione del […]
Hannah Arendt Center for Political Studies
Nato nel 2016 nell’ambito del Dipartimento di Scienze Umane dell’Università di Verona il Centro di studi politici “Hannah Arendt”, propone un’indagine, in una prospettiva interdisciplinare, che alla ricerca filosofico-politica nel campo degli studi arendtiani affianchi la ricerca e la riflessione politica sulla contemporaneità. Nello specifico esso promuove sia attività di ricerca filosofica o storiografica nel campo degli studi […]