ISSN: 2038-0925



The magazine Diacronie publishes a section dedicated to reviews of recently published works (in the last 3 years).
Reviews should contain:

  • an introduction to the author and the document
  • exposure of the book;
  • the analysis of the internal coherence of the work;
  • a contextualisation of the work ( status quaestionis);
  • any bibliographical reference must be indicated in a footnote, following the same rules as for essays.

An outline for writing a scientific review is available here:
[» Download]

General rules for sending reviews

The texts submitted to the editorial staff of Diacronie. Studi di Storia Contemporanea should be sent by email, as attachments, to Luca Bufarale and Luca Zuccolo at the email address: 


Each submission must be accompanied by a brief biography of the author (maximum 500 characters), specifying his/her professional or institutional affiliation, his or her publications (if any) and primary research fields.
This will be inserted into the article when it is published.



Reviews must not have been simultaneously submitted to another journal, nor previously published. Please do not submit a review that is under consideration elsewhere.
The article will be published by Diacronie under a Creative Commons licence.



The reviews must be between 10,000 and 15,000 characters in length (inclusive of blanks).



Diacronie publishes in Italian, English, French or Spanish; it is possible to submit reviews in Greek, Portuguese and German, which will be translated into Italian by the editors.


Articles should be submitted to the journal, as an email attachment, in .doc, .docx or .odt format.

The essay file must be structured as follows:

  • body of the text: Georgia 11, line spacing 1.5;
  • paragraph headings: numbered (1., 2., 3., …), Georgia 12, 1.5 spacing, bold;
  • paragraph subheadings: numbered (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, …), Georgia 11, spacing 1.5, bold;
  • quotations: Georgia 10, spacing 1.5, indented 1 cm right and 1 cm left;
  • footnotes: Georgia 10, justified, with sequential numbering.


Bibliographical Guidelines

See Editorial and Bibliographical Guidelines.

The conformity of the text to the bibliographic standards is the author’s responsibility.

The work of editing is a professional activity in itself, which requires the expertise and time of the editors. Editors are only available to take on editorial work in exchange for a donation in support of Diacronie’s activities. Donations will be used solely to develop the journal’s projects and will be publicly accounted for on the website.