ISSN: 2038-0925

Call for paper EN

Next Issue 64 | Call for papers


The constellation of the anti-nuclear movement in Italy in the 1970s and 1980s

Guest editors: Lucia Bonfreschi (Università Roma Tre), Giorgio Grimaldi (Link Campus University)

Historiography has long investigated – also through interdisciplinary approaches – the theme of Italian energy policies, paying particular attention to stakeholders and to scientific debates regarding the use of nuclear power as an energy source. In this context, the theme of anti-nuclear mobilizations has remained largely unexplored, despite contributions made by some of their protagonists and numerous studies on the 1970s and 1980s movements. Firstly, this special issue addresses this gap and aims to investigate the heterogeneous components in Italian society that have contributed to anti-nuclear mobilizations, highlighting their protagonists, ideas, and values….

Next Issue 60 | Call for papers

Girl Playing, Varanasi


The Construction of Gender Identity in History, Pedagogy, and Sociology

edited by Elisa Rossi (Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia)

In 1973, the pedagogist Elena Gianini Belotti, based on her long and in-depth educational experience with parents and preschool children, asserted in her groundbreaking work titled Little girls that the traditional differences in character and behavior between males and females were not primarily due to innate or “natural” factors. Rather, they are depend on social and cultural conditioning, stereotypes, and prejudices that individuals experience during their development and upbringing: «among these also the “myth” of “natural” male superiority as opposed to the equally “innate” female inferiority»….

Next Issue 55 | Call for papers

1989 poster celebrating May Day and COSATU's Living Wage Campaign in South Africa.

Worlds of work and the welfare state in Europe between two crises, 1973-2013

Guest editors Manfredi Alberti (University of Palermo) and Michele Mioni (Otto-Friedrich University Bamberg)

A well-established transdisciplinary literature has identified the early 1970s as a periodising moment for the labour history and the history of the welfare state. The end of the Bretton Woods system and, mostly, the first energy crisis of 1973 have been generally regarded as the beginning of a major break with social policy as it was conceived during the so-called “Golden Age” of capitalism in Western Europe. Ideas and structural macro-processes gradually reshaped cultural paradigms, policies, and socio-economic relations….

Next Issue 52 | Call for papers

St. Moritz, Switzerland 1928 and 1948 by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center on Flickr (CC BY 2.0)

Imaging North-Eastern Europe: Baltic and Scandinavian states in the eyes of local, regional, and global observers

edited by Paolo Borioni, Deborah Paci, Francesco Zavatti

The image of North-Eastern Europe appears composite and complex. While its geographical conglomeration is cut across by the Baltic Sea, it is not a coherent area at a cultural and political level. Yet, the numerous investments made by local and international actors in attempting to define this space (GÖTZ 2016) call for a closer scrutiny in the processes of imagining spaces. Between crossroad for international routes and point of contact for insular realities, North-Eastern Europe is a repository of numerous perceptions and self-perceptions on a local, region, and global level. In the last centuries, the history of the Baltic Sea has also been a history of small states devising the most diverse and original strategies….

Motore, ciak, storia! | Submissions

edited by Mariangela Palmieri, Ermanno Taviani
DSCN0039 by Jayson Shenk on Flickr (CC BY-NC 2.0)

Over the last few years, we have been witnessing two phenomena which are concurrent and yet apparently in contrast with each other. On one side, there is evidence of a marginalisation of history, in the sense of a crisis of identity and social function, which extends to the very role of historians. On the other side, there is a huge interest in history among the general public in the consumption of cultural products with a historical focus. Production, dissemination and reception of historical narratives takes place through an ever-increasing number of films and TV series…