ISSN: 2038-0925

Ultimo numero EN

Next Issue 59 | Call for papers

1899 satirical map of Europe - Angling in troubled waters - by Fred W. rose (PUBLIC DOMAIN)


Edited by Çiğdem OĞUZ (Università di Bologna) and Giovanni SAVINO (Università Federico II di Napoli)

Diacronie studi di storia contemporanea invites contributions for a special thematic issue entitled “Memory, perception and politics of empire today”, focusing on the representation of the idea of empire in contemporary historiography, politics and memory. The special issue focuses specifically on the empires that collapsed at the end of World War I.
The study of empires is a dynamic field; we are constantly revising our knowledge of empires, inspired by newly discovered sources as well as new approaches. The context of historical writing itself significantly …

Next Issue 53 | Call for papers

Clark Terry & Ernie Wilkins

Popular Music and History: Media, Consumption and Politics from the 1950s to 1990s

edited by Alessia Masini

Popular music in history studies has often been represented as a soundtrack or a sonic counterpoint of big changes, and for a long time it has been mostly considered as a minor source for history, compared with major and proper historical sources. Large scale research work, with greater historiographic impact and results, is mainly focused on a few “traditional” topics. These are: the European erudite music – opera and classical music – which has specific rules and characteristics, and the protest-folk singer and song-writers of the 1960s and 1970s, which are useful to reaffirm the profile of that political generation. It is impossible to predetermine cultural and political value or effects of music because it is an inner part of different practices….

N. 48 | December 2021


A cura della redazione

Realizzazione digitale del numero: Valentina Rizzo

"Whimsy" by Thomas Hawk on Flickr (CC BY-NC 2.0)

Il numero 48 di Diacronie, l’ultimo dell’anno 2021, propone due contributi che trattano due temi intimamente legati alla storia del fascismo: il progetto di costituzione della Divisione “M” e la diffusione del film Luciano Serra, pilota in Brasile durante la Seconda guerra mondiale. Completa il numero la consueta sezione dedicata alla rassegna bibliografica, che propone cinque recensioni, di testi che spaziano dal canale di Suez alla storia di Haiti, dai temi dell’energia all’epopea della Cucirini Cantoni Coats, passando per il Cultural turn. …