Editorial and Bibliographical Norms, Article Evaluation
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Editorial norms
The articles shall be sent to the following e-mail: redazione.diacronie [at] hotmail.it
The article shall be sent to the review by mail in one of the following formats: .doc, .docx, or .odt. The authors can send their articles in Italian, English, French, Spanish or Portuguese (the last one will be translated in Italian by the editor staff). The article must be written in interline 1.5; between 30.000 and 50.000 characters (spaces included). The article must be combined with a summary in its original language and one in English, 500-800 characters (spaces included); with five key words (in the article language and in English), and with a brief biographical profile of the author (800-1000 characters). The text must be edited in Georgia 11 character; the foot notes must be edited in Georgia 10 character, justified, with a progressive numeration. The abbreviations must be indicated in extenso in occasion of their the first use.
The quotations between inverted commas must be integrated in the text’s body (without space) and followed by the note number. The quotations longer than 3 lines should be put aside in the text’s body, without inverted commas. They are to be written in Georgia 10 character, in interline 1.5 and return to the left and to the right of 1 cm. The quotations’ notes must be indicated at the foot page and comprehend the page numbers.
Bibliographical norms
All the bibliographical references must follow this model:
SURNAME, Name, Title, Place, editor, year, page.
ARRIGHI, Giovanni, La geometria dell’imperialismo, Milano, Feltrinelli, 1978, p. 88.
Collective works
SURNAME, Name, SURNAME, Name (Eds.), Title, Place, editor, year, page.
TIMMERMANN, Heiner, GRUNER, Wolf D. (herausgegeben von), Demokratie und Diktatur in Europa. Geschichte und Wechsel der politischen Systeme im 20. Jahrhundert, Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2001, pp. 77-79.
Review Articles
SURNAME, Name, «article title», in review title, volume, number/year, pages.
WORBY, Eric, «“Discipline without oppression”: Sequence, timing and marginality in Southern Rhodesia’s post-war development regime», in The Journal of African history, 41, 1/2000, pp. 101-125.
Essay in a collective work
SURNAME, Name, Title, place, editor, year, pages.
MANGONI, Luisa, La cultura: periodizzazioni e apocalissi, in PAVONE, Claudio (a cura di), Novecento: i tempi della storia, Roma, Donzelli, 1997, pp. 77-97.
SURNAME, Name, Title, Thesis in…, university, place, year.
DI FLORIO, Martina, Discorso geografico e immagine cartografica nell’opera di Strabone, Tesi di laurea in geografia, Università degli Studi di Bologna, Bologna, a.a. 1996/1997.
Web pages
SURNAME, Name, Title or «Title» [by chance], in web site title or online publication title, URL: < http://www.example.it/ > [consulted on dd mm yyyy].
PERRIAULT, Jacques, «La norme comme instrument d’accès au savoir on-line», in Actes du colloque Initiatives 2005. La norme comme instrument de réussite d’une société de la connaissance partagée, Paris, AUF, 2 mars 2007, URL: <http://www.initiatives.refer.org/Initiatives- 2005/document.php?id=222> [consultato il 22 giugno 2007].
Director SURNAME, Name, Title, production company, Country, year, minutes.
ZAHZAH, Abdenour, RIDOUH, Bachir, Frantz Fanon, The Memories from the Asylum, Anwar Cinéma, Algeria, 2008, 53′.
For a list of abbreviations see: http://www.studistorici.com/proposte-di-contributi/list_en/
Book Review
Diacronie edits a book review section dedicated to recent works.
The book reviews shall be sent to Diacronie at the following e-mail address: redazione.diacronie@hotmail.it to the attention of Luca Zuccolo and Luca Bufarale. The book reviews must be sized between 10.000 and 15.000 characters (spaces included).
Call for paper proposals
Diacronie welcomes thematic dossiers proposals.
To coordinate a number, is necessary to send a call for paper to the editor board e-mail: redazione.diacronie@hotmail.it
Each proposal will be evaluated by two members of the editor committee and will receive an answer, after an internal discussion by the editorial board.
Evaluation of the articles
Diacronie edits monographic and miscellaneous numbers.
As concerned the monographic numbers, a call for paper will be published on Calenda, HNET, on other web search tools, and on the social networks. Each abstract will be submitted to a first evaluation by the number editors. Consequently, the selected authors will send their articles which, after a second evaluation process, will be finally published.
As concerned the miscellaneous numbers, the articles are submitted to a first evaluation of the editorial board. After this first step the articles are sent to two referees, chose directly by the editorial board. Therefore, the referees send their referee paper and their comment to editorial board. In case of different opinion by the referees, will be chose a third referee. The editorial board takes into consideration the referees opinions and evaluations and chose which articles should be published (publishable in the original form; publishable after the suggested changes; not publishable). The editorial board can decide to send the referees papers directly to the author, to ask changes due to the referees evaluations; or to ask adjustments to fit the editorial line of the review.